Here at Buckeye Veterinary Clinic we offer an array of anesthesia protocols for our patients. Anesthesia is administered for medical or surgical purposes and is based on each specific patient. All patients here at Buckeye will undergo a pre-anesthetic assessment by one of our veterinarians so the proper protocol is prepared for each case. All patients will also have a base line screening of blood values, thyroid, urine and/or radiographs based on the procedure and the history of the patient.
All cases are monitored by veterinary technicians that are legally credential by the Ohio Veterinary Medical Licensing Board. The parameters that we monitor here at Buckeye are heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, respiration rate and body temperature. Any changes are addressed by the DVM and adjusted as directed by the technician on the case.
We are proud to be an AAHA hospital that holds us to over 40 required standards of care before during and after a patient is involved with anesthesia. This allows us to perform procedures on all animals even the breeds that have certain drug sensitivities.
Here are a few of the standards that AAHA requires of us here at Buckeye:
- The following pieces of equipment are used on every patient that is requiring anesthesia, sedation, procedures and/or radiographs. Respiratory monitor (PM9000), Pulse Ox (PM9000), BP (PM9000 or Doppler), ECG (PM9000), esophageal stethoscope/T probe (PM9000).
- Emergency Drugs are readily located on the anesthetic cart when the cart is in use. The box is labeled ER/CPR DRUGS in large black letters. The box contains drugs, syringes, needles, catheters and reference charts for quick administration of medications and fluids.
- All patients consent forms are signed by the owner(s) and they have been fully advised of the procedures, complications and potential emergency/critical recovery concerns. The owner’s phone number is required to be given prior to patients’ anesthetic administration.
- Pre-anesthetic Patient Assessment is performed by the DVM and documents are filled out in its entirety prior to any medication(s) administration; this form includes: history, Physical Examination, vaccine status, diagnostic testing and risk assessment. The form must be dated and signed prior to start of procedure.